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Results 12


Employment law changes to look out for in 2021

You don’t need us to tell you that 2020 and the start of 2021 has been a challenging time for employers and employees alike. From furlough to ensuring businesses are...

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Case Studies

Case study: delayed meningitis diagnosis led to premature death

Our medical negligence solicitors advised the family of a woman who sadly died after sustaining a catastrophic brain injury after contracting meningitis. ‘Severe ear infection’ diagnosed by GP Mrs S...

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Buying a new build property: what you need to know

Buying a home is always an exciting time and there are plenty of reasons to be excited about buying a new build property. New build homes are a great way...

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Case Studies

Case study: adoptive placement dispute between two local authorities

Child law Associate, Clare Cox, recently represented the mother of one of two siblings (A and B) whose future was being disputed between two local authorities after care proceedings concluded...

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Why pension sharing in divorce is so important

One of the most stressful elements of divorce, separation or dissolution of a civil partnership, is often the separation of finances. Amongst the talk of what happens to the joint...

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Let’s talk cerebral palsy

This month, Barcan+Kirby will mark Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, which was started in 2006 by a cerebral palsy advocacy group and has grown in popularity over the years. How can...

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Case Studies

Case study: Commercial Property team completes on 31 social housing units in Bristol

Our Commercial Property team recently completed on the sale of 31 social housing units on Lower Ashley Road, St Paul’s, Bristol. The site was sold by Prelon Housing Ltd on...

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Road traffic accident claims: whiplash reforms to come into force on 31st May 2021

The long-awaited whiplash reforms have been delayed again and are set to be implemented on 31st May 2021. The reforms have been in the pipeline for some time now, having...

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Case Studies

Case study: Commercial team completes on two nursery sales

Our Corporate + Commercial lawyers advised the sellers of two South West nurseries in February 2021, with one completing in just 12 weeks. Corporate law Partner, Georgina Bryant, and our...

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Case Studies

Case study: multi-million-pound settlement for boy diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy

Our medical negligence solicitors helped a family claim compensation after their child (C) was diagnosed with level 5 cerebral palsy as a baby, following a difficult delivery. Background Difficult delivery...

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Budget 2021: what it means for employment, business and housing

Today’s budget announcement has been highly anticipated by business owners and individuals alike. The Government has given England a roadmap out of lockdown, so what financial measures have they put...

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Safe birth over normal birth: why we must listen to and empower mothers

In December 2020 an interim report by Donna Ockenden, Senior Midwifery Advisor to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, was published on the inquiry into the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS...

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