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Results 12


Workplace discrimination: what employers need to consider

As much as any employer would argue that their organisation is fair and honest, workplace discrimination does happen and it’s more common than you would think. Discrimination in the workplace...

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How landlords can prepare for the end of the eviction ban and lifting of possession proceedings

When the Government announced a three-month eviction ban back in March 2020, many of us would have hoped that by the time June came around, life would surely be back...

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Update on contributory negligence in road traffic accidents

During a recent judgment (Campbell v Advantage Insurance Company Ltd) at the High Court, it was concluded that the Claimant could not properly argue that he was too drunk to...

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Why do you need Power of Attorney?

No one wants to contemplate the fact that one day they may lack mental capacity, through either age or illness. As with making a Will, Powers of Attorney are about...

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Is a 50/50 company a good idea?

When two people start a business, they often split the ownership of the company 50/50 because it seems the obvious and fair way. In an ideal world, both owners will...

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Returning to work after a brain injury

Although not everyone who has experienced a brain injury is able to return to work, many do and it can be a challenging process to get to grips with. Whether...

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Uber Eats and Deliveroo riders: what are their legal rights?

In recent years, and particularly over recent months as we were confined to our own homes, online food delivery services have become increasingly popular. The most popular, Uber Eats and...

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How long do I have to claim compensation for personal injury?

Any type of claim has a limitation period. This is a period of time in which the Claimant should ‘bring’ their claim to court. If you are considering making personal...

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Summer Statement 2020: what it means for you and your business

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on people’s health and well-being but it has also taken its toll on businesses. The words ‘unprecedented’, ‘new normal’ and ‘furlough’ are top contenders...

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No-fault divorces to wait until 2021

Separating couples seeking a no-fault divorce will be celebrating the imminent application of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act, which was finally given royal assent on 25th June. As divorce...

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How do property auctions work?

You may think that property auctions are just for investors looking to buy property to do up and sell, but they’re becoming increasingly popular with the everyday buyer and seller....

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Case Studies

Case study: £17,500 settlement for cycling accident claim

Our client, Mr A, was cycling behind his partner along a road. As they neared a junction, a driver coming out of the junction from the left did not stop...

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