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The Employment Rights Bill: a crackdown on zero-hour contracts

The Employment Rights Bill, published on 10th October 2024, has introduced fairer measures to those on zero-hour contracts, protecting employees’ financial security and wellbeing. Under the new proposed laws, employees...

man-handing-contract-to-woman More Blogs


Key changes for landlords in 2025

There are several key changes on the horizon for landlords this year, some more inevitable than others. In this blog, our property litigation solicitors look at what these expected changes...

Close-up of person giving keys to another person More Blogs


Sexual harassment at work: what employers need to know about their new duty

Employers have a new duty to take reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment of workers in the course of their employment. This new duty was incorporated into the Equality...

soft-focus-group-of-business-people-in-office More Blogs


Budget 2024: what it means for you

The much-anticipated Autumn 2024 Budget has finally been announced and there are some big changes affecting individuals and businesses. In this blog, we look at how Labour’s first Budget in...

White text on a navy background that says, 'Budget 2024: what it means for you'. There is a white calculator icon to the right. More Blogs


Clare’s Law and its impact on domestic abuse cases

Clare’s Law, more formally known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS), gives people the right to ask the Police if their partner has a previous record of criminal and/or...

Rear view of woman with dark hair wearing a stripy jumper standing on balcony during sunset More Blogs


What a Labour Government means for employment law

On Friday 4th July, Sir Kier Starmer and his Labour Party were elected to govern the UK. The election of a Labour Government marks a new chapter for England, Wales,...

Smartly dressed woman in beige coat walking towards revolving glass office door More Blogs


Paternity leave now a day-one right for bereaved partners

On 24th May, the Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Bill became law. This Bill gives fathers the day-one right to paternity leave when the child’s mother dies. The change has been long...

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New report investigates factors affecting the delivery of safe care in midwifery units

On 8th May 2024, Maternity & Newborn Safety Investigations (MNSI) published a report based on an analysis of 92 Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB reports on safety incidents that...

Close up of ultrasound scanner More Blogs


New pathway launched to diagnose Cauda Equina Syndrome without delay

A new pathway is available to help clinicians better diagnose and treat patients suspected of having Cauda Equina Syndrome, a rare but serious spinal condition. The pathway has been developed...

Close up of woman in medical scrubs holding clipboard More Blogs


The Birth Trauma Inquiry: a further demand for safer maternity care

Today (13th May 2024), the country’s first parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma has been released. The headline? Good maternity care ‘is the exception rather than the rule’. Here, medical negligence...

Pink text box with white text that reads: 'the Birth Trauma Enquiry: a further demand for safer maternity care. An overview by Charlotte Tracy' More Blogs


Birth injury claims: informed consent and the ‘professional practice test’

March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month; an initiative that aims to push for improvements in education, healthcare and the job market to increase opportunities for those living with cerebral palsy....

Text-based image with the following content: 'Birth injury claims: informed consent and the 'professional practice test'. An overview by Charlotte Tracy. Barcan+Kirby.' More Blogs


Employment law changes coming up in 2024

There are numerous changes in employment law coming into force this year, with a focus on families and making the workplace fairer. As many of these changes are effective from...

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