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Results 12


Can employers force employees to get vaccinated?

The UK’s Covid-19 vaccination programme is well under way, and the vast majority of people will be eagerly awaiting their jab, if they haven’t already had it. But what about...

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Why are black and Asian women more likely to die or suffer injury in childbirth?

According to a 2020 report by MBRRACE-UK (Mothers and Babies Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries), black women are four times more likely to die as a result of...

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Case Studies

Case study: contested hearing on deputyship in the Court of Protection

Our Court of Protection solicitors recently advised the family of Ms P after her Local Authority made an application for a professional deputy to manage her assets. Ms P felt...

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Case Studies

Case study: delayed diagnosis of haemochromatosis led to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer

Our medical negligence solicitors acted on a fatal case involving the delayed diagnosis of haemochromatosis, which led to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. Visits to GP with abdominal...

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Supreme Court rules Uber drivers should be classified as workers

The UK Supreme Court has today (19th February 2021) ruled that leading taxi app, Uber, must classify its drivers as ‘workers’, rather than self-employed. This groundbreaking decision means that Uber...

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Case Studies

Commercial Property team advises on SIPP land purchase

Commercial Property Associate, Daniel Lander, recently acted for an individual (Mr A) on the purchase of land using a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) scheme. Mr A wanted to purchase land...

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What’s the difference between same sex marriage and a civil partnership?

In 2004, Parliament passed the Civil Partnership Act which allowed couples of the same sex to enter into civil partnerships. And in 2013, Parliament introduced the Marriage (Same Sex Couples)...

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Life at Barcan+Kirby

Wondering what it’s like to work at Barcan+Kirby? Watch this video for an insight into life at our firm.  This video information is available as a text transcript. Click...

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LGBT+ and the law: what rights do trans people have?

In 2018 and 2019, our Associates Academy and family law team took part in Transgender Awareness training with the Diversity Trust. The overall aim of the training is to help...

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Business interruption insurance: are you covered?

Over the last few months, many businesses will have dug out their business interruption insurance policies in the hope that it could help save their organisation from some of the...

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Can my child move between homes during lockdown?

On 4th January 2021, the government announced a third national lockdown, imposing further restrictive measures and encouraging people to stay at home as much as possible. So what happens to...

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Case Studies

Case study: debate over severity of dementia in the Court of Protection

Our Court of Protection team recently represented the family of a woman who was given a prognosis of palliative care by a hospital, which her family disagreed with. Mrs P...

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