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Firm News

Firm receives top ranking for medical negligence work in Legal 500 2018

We’re delighted to announce that Barcan+Kirby has once again been recognised by independent legal research guide, The Legal 500, for our expertise in medical negligence, personal injury and family law. We were awarded a tier 1...

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Protect your loved ones this ‘Write a Will’ fortnight

No one wants to think about what would happen to our loved ones if we weren’t around, so it’s no surprise that the idea of making a Will is not...

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What is the Court of Protection and how can it help me?

The Court of Protection deals with the affairs of people who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves. Loss of capacity to make decisions can happen to any of...

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Owens v Owens: Supreme Court rules against wife in ‘desperately unhappy marriage’

The Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal of a wife seeking to divorce her husband, in a judgment which highlights once again the need for no-fault divorce to be introduced....

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Supreme Court overturns maintenance decision in Mills v Mills

The Supreme Court has overturned the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Mills v Mills, a dispute over maintenance arrangements following divorce. In doing so it upheld the original verdict of...

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The Mencap sleep-in judgment: a summary

On Friday 13th July, the Court of Appeal gave its judgment in Mencap v Tomlinson-Blake. Overruling the decision of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT), Lord Justice Underhill ruled that workers...

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Firm News

Private and confidential

This missive is top secret and to be read only by its intended recipients*.

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Supreme Court rules in favour of extending civil partnerships

The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in favour of a couple challenging the rules on civil partnerships. Family law Partner, Tom Powles, examines what the court’s decision on civil partnerships means...

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Firm News

Fiona Dabell shortlisted for AvMA Rising Star Award

We’re delighted to announce that solicitor Fiona Dabell has been shortlisted for the inaugural Action Against Medical Accidents Rising Star Award. Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA) is a national charity...

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Pimlico: a tiny nail in the coffin of the gig economy?

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled against Pimlico Plumbers in a dispute over whether one of their former operatives was a ‘worker’. Some commentators are questioning whether this case will have...

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Workplace ageism: what are your rights?

Everyone has the right to be treated fairly at work and there are laws to protect you against discrimination on the basis of age. Working into your 60s, 70s and...

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Is lifetime maintenance becoming a thing of the past?

Court orders for maintenance are typically made to ensure that one of the divorcees’ financial needs are met. However, a recent court order for maintenance limited the payments to five...

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