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Government ends unnecessary divorce ‘blame game’

The government has today (9th April) announced that it is introducing legislation in England and Wales whereby couples will no longer have to prove fault to get divorced. This new...

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Four employment law changes you need to know about in April 2019

With employment law legislation changing so regularly, it can be difficult for employees and employers alike to keep up-to-date with the latest developments. There have been a number of important...

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Can you stop the clock on Inheritance Act claims?

Standstill Agreements are widely used in cases where parties are attempting to resolve inheritance matters themselves, but are up against time restrictions, specifically the date on which you have to...

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Increased probate fees: what does this mean for you and your loved ones?

The Government recently announced a resurrection of their 2017 plans to introduce a fee structure for probate applications, with the value of the deceased’s estate dictating the cost of the...

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Time to put a limit on ‘gagging’ clauses?

‘Gagging’ clauses are also known as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). They can be found in employment contracts, a separate standalone document and/or in a settlement agreement (often given to an employee...

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Restrictive covenants: are they enforceable?

Restrictive covenants are often included in employment contracts. They protect the employer’s business by restricting the activities of an employee, generally after the employment has ended. However, the restrictive covenant...

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Victims can now claim for injuries sustained pre 1979

A recent change in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 has abolished a rule whereby claimants could not pursue an injury claim if the victim lived under the same roof...

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Court of Protection to consider monitoring social media

The Court of Protection recently confirmed that they will make a decision on behalf of a woman in her 30s who suffers from learning disabilities, regarding her use of social...

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How do I remove a director?

If a company director is underperforming, or they are in disagreement with the majority of stakeholders when it comes to the business’ strategy, there may be no alternative option but...

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Who should prepare my Will?

Most people would decline car insurance from a provider with a notoriously low percentage of claims pay-outs and awful customer service ratings, even it’s the cheapest package on offer. The...

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What are my rights as a minority shareholder?

A majority shareholder owns 50% or more of the shares in a company. They will generally govern the running of the business and can prevent a minority shareholder from making...

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Looking after children’s mental health during divorce or separation

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we focus on the well-being of children whose parents are going through a divorce or separation. It’s well known that children can suffer...

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