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A&E department failures now the biggest source of Medical Negligence claims

According to a 41-page NHS strategy document, delays, misdiagnosis and poor treatment in Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments are now the main source of NHS negligence claims, overtaking orthopaedic surgery...

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Supreme Court rules that restrictive covenants can be made enforceable by removing unreasonable parts

Any clause in an employment contract that seeks to restrict what an employee can do after their contract comes to an end is invalid from the outset for being a...

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Firm News

Gearing up for Bike Week 2019

As a firm of keen cyclists, many of our solicitors are advocates for the mental, physical and environmental benefits that cycling can provide. Our employees can opt in to our...

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Less than one month to go: deadline for historic single parent Parental Orders

In January 2019, after much anticipation, the UK surrogacy rules were amended to allow single applicants to apply for a Parental Order for children born via a surrogate. The Human...

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Shared parental leave: what are your rights as an employer?

In a recent case, the Court of Appeal ruled that two male claimants did not suffer discrimination when their employers failed to pay enhanced shared parental pay which would have...

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How to resolve a dispute at work using Acas’ Early Conciliation process

If you’ve experienced a dispute at work, you’re likely to want to resolve it quickly and without any further stress or legal costs. Acas’ Early Conciliation process helps employees and...

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Case Studies

Case study: LPAs voided due to incorrect signature

The Court of Protection recently ruled that two Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) made by an elderly lady had to be cancelled because they had been signed using an incorrect...

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Report identifies failings in maternity care standards at Cwm Taf hospitals

This morning, 30th April 2019, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) published a report into the standard of care provided by the maternity services of Cwm Taf University...

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Who gets responsibility of my child if I die?

The thought of preparing for your own death, be it writing a Will or putting money aside for funeral arrangements, is difficult enough as it is, let alone thinking about...

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What’s the difference between a Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship?

In light of Parkinson’s Awareness Month 2019, our Court of Protection solicitors look at how deputyship can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety around making decisions on behalf...

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No-fault evictions: what do landlords need to know? 

The government announced this month that, under new plans, private landlords will no longer be able to evict tenants at short notice without ‘good reason’ or fault. The idea is...

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Maternity leave: do you know what your employment rights are?

A recent case, whereby a woman on maternity leave was sent an important email about redundancy to a work email address that she wasn’t checking regularly, has raised some curiosity...

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