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Results 12


Including pets in your Will

As a nation of animal lovers, many of us will have wondered what happens to our pets after we die. If it’s a family pet, you may assume that Rover...

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Firm News

We asked Anna…

It’s International Women’s Day, and we’re celebrating our Executive Partner, Anna Wilson. What is International Women’s Day? Although the origin of International Women Day’s is a little unclear, it can...

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Case Studies

Case study: settlement agreement negotiation

Our specialist employment law solicitors supported an employee to negotiate a settlement agreement, successfully increasing the employer’s offer by nearly 45%. Circumstances of terminated employment Our client, Miss C, instructed...

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Case Studies

Case study: £10,000 for unsecured seatbelt resulting in fatality

Our Personal Injury team supported a client and her family to claim compensation on behalf of her mother, who was involved in a fatal and avoidable accident whilst travelling in...

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The dangers of dooring

‘Dooring’ is an accident which occurs when a passenger or driver of a car opens their door without looking properly and causes a cyclist to swerve or crash as a result....

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Case Studies

Case study: £385,000 for motorcyclist’s crush injuries after collision with van

Our expert Personal Injury team supported a motorcyclist to claim compensation for crush injuries he sustained after a collision with a van. Accident circumstances Mr N was riding his motorcycle...

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Case Studies

Case study: £7,822 for cyclist injured in car dooring accident

Our personal injury team helped a cyclist claim compensation for injuries sustained in a car dooring accident. Accident circumstances and injuries Miss T was cycling along a road in a...

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Case Studies

Case study: £72,500 for cyclist collision on roundabout

Our personal injury solicitors recently helped a client claim compensation for injuries he suffered as the result of a cycling accident. Circumstances of the accident Our client, Mr N, was...

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What are the rights of cohabiting couples?

Contrary to popular belief, couples who live together do not have the same legal rights as married couples. The concept of ‘common law marriage’ is a myth, and as unmarried...

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Case Studies

Case study: £610,000 for misdiagnosis of abnormal smear resulting in terminal cancer

Our medical negligence solicitors acted for a client who developed cervical cancer and secondary cancer in both lungs after a failure to diagnose changes in the cells of her cervix...

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What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

Child Inclusive Mediation involves a trained family mediator talking to a child or children as part of mediation where arrangements are being made for them. Our family lawyers believe that...

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Changes to flexible working requests: what you need to know

In 2021, the Government published a consultation which set out proposals to make flexible working the default and to better support both employers and employees to reach appropriate working arrangements....

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