Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme
Solicitor Apprenticeship roles will be advertised on our vacancies page as and when opportunities arise. Please check this before contacting us.
Our Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme is for budding lawyers without a university degree.
Who is the Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme for?
The Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship is a six-and-a-half-year programme (run by the University of Law) for those who have already gained three A-Levels at grade C or above (or the equivalent) and five GCSEs (including Maths and English at grade 4+, or the equivalent).
The Programme prepares applicants for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE Parts 1 and 2) which will take place in years five and six. Upon successful completion, and subject to the Solicitor Regulatory Authority’s character and suitability test, you will qualify as a Solicitor.
What is included in the Programme?
The Programme consists of 80% work in one department and 20% study and training (‘off-the-job’ training).
The Apprenticeship is delivered mainly online, so most of your study time will be independent and supervised by a University of Law subject tutor.
Independent study is based on video, textbooks, primary and secondary materials, precedents and other documents and tests. This will allow online self-assessment with feedback and monitoring by your tutor.
Apprentices are assigned a solicitor skills coach who visits every 10-12 weeks at work to provide guidance on building a work-based portfolio. This coach will review progress regularly through one-to-one tutorials and progress reviews.
You will be expected to complete weekly submitted tasks, and all activity is supplemented by live webinars, which will take place in groups online one day per week. Apprentices will also have access to the University of Law Solicitors Qualifying Exam revision app.
Why choose the Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme?
This Apprenticeship is a fantastic alternative route into law, as Gabi Chenoweth, who is in her second year of the Programme, says:
“The Solicitor Apprenticeship is a great alternative route into becoming a qualified solicitor, as it allows you to get both an academic qualification as well as hands-on experience in a working environment. Not only do you not have the debt of university fees, but you are also paid for doing the apprenticeship. It is a hard but very rewarding apprenticeship that builds not only your legal knowledge but transferable skills which you will use on a day-to-day basis.”
– Gabi Chenoweth | Solicitor Apprentice
How to apply for a Solicitor Apprenticeship
All Solicitor Apprenticeship vacancies will be advertised on our vacancies page and social media pages as they are released.