We raised over £3,000 for local charities in 2013

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Our staff have raised over £3,000 for two local good causes as part of last year’s fundraising activity.

During 2013 we were proud to support two Bristol-based charities: One25, which helps and supports street sex-working women, and the Julian Trust, a charitable organisation that runs the Bristol night shelter for the homeless.

Throughout the year we undertook a number of fundraising activities within our offices, ranging from dress-down days and themed bake-offs to a clothes swap and a pub quiz.

Matt Martin accomplished the year’s most extreme fundraising challenge by walking across hot coals at over 500 degrees Celsius to raise more than £300 for One25.

We also entered an enthusiastic team into the annual dragon boat racing on Bristol Docks, whilst five members of staff – Fiona Dabell, Katie Donne, Mark Scanlon, Gareth Hughes and James Parsonage – all successfully completed the Bristol or Cardiff half marathon challenge, raising in excess of £700 for One25 between them.

Chris Miller, Managing Partner, said:

“Both myself and the team are thrilled to have raised such a large sum during 2013. Both One25 and Julian Trust do a wonderful job of supporting some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Bristol, and have provided valuable help and advice to some of our clients in the past.

I’d like to thank everyone who supported or sponsored our efforts in 2013 – I hope that through our fundraising we’re able to help these very worthwhile charities make a difference.”

Further information

Thank you once again for your support in 2013.


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